This is a question some Texas drivers will not have to answer until they receive a Texas speeding ticket, or a ticket for red light running or some other traffic citation.

Texas patrol officer writing speeding ticket However, if you are one of the unfortunate people who have received a ticket, or multiple tickets, you are probably looking around for a good defensive driving program.  Don’t be too dismayed by the fact that you now need to go to traffic school.  While the court might view your driving school attendance as punishment, you can look at it as a way to improve your driving habits.

Sure, no one wants to have to go to traffic school, but if you take a quality course, you will learn important defensive driving strategies that you would not be able to acquire elsewhere.  Some courses even include videos that show you what to do in certain situations.  Every Texas driver can use this type of training to brush up on defensive driving skills and techniques.

Click Button to Sign up for Defensive Driving

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Most courses offer a refresher on basic topics you learned in driver ed but probably forgot, or perhaps you ignore them when behind the wheel.  For example, when two or more drivers arrive at a 4-way stop intersection, who must yield the right of way, and in what order?

Here’s another one:  how long should it take you to pass another vehicle, on average, while traveling at 55 MPH?  What steps should you always take before passing?  If you can’t answer these questions off the top of your head, you could probably benefit from attending a Texas defensive driving course.

If you have gotten a Texas traffic ticket and need to go to traffic school, we invite you to try the online defensive driving course offered by  Our company specializes in helping Texas drivers, so we can not only provide you with an excellent course, but answer any questions you might have about reporting your completion to the court.  Our toll free telephone number is (800) 558-9887.

We hope that this article will help you look at your defensive driving course requirement in a positive light.  After all, you might not like it, but it’s for your own good!

You can sign up for the defensive driving online course by clicking on the register button below.

course registration button

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