San Antonio Defensive Driving

San Antonio Driving Safety Course


If you got a ticket and you need a defensive driving course in San Antonio or the surrounding areas, TexasDriveSafe is here for you!

Gone are the days of sitting in a classroom on a Saturday listening to a live instructor or trying to find a school that is holding a class at a convenient location.  We know that your time is valuable so with our online course you control over the course schedule. This format provides the flexibility to quickly and easily complete your course and keep that ticket off your driving record.


Ticket Dismissal for San Antonio Drivers

The city of San Antonio is growing, which means there are more drivers on the road, which also means more tickets.   When you get a ticket and verify with the court that you are eligible for the ticket dismissal option of taking a defensive driving course you have a couple options:

1.  Find your nearest classroom course and find out when their next class is held
2.  Complete a course over the Internet such as

What Choose Online?

There are a number of benefits to the online option for your driving safety course.  These benefits include:

  • 24/7 Course Availability
  • Self Paced Course Structure
  • Faster Certificate Delivery
  • Mobile Device Friendly

Having the option to access the course from any internet ready device anytime day or night, weekday or weekend, is such a nice feature.  You are given a unique login code during registration which allows you to login and out of the course at your discretion.  Regardless of the time or day.  Once you are inside the course it is your choice when to logout.  So whether you choose to take the course one page at a time or you do the entire course is one sitting, it is completely up to you.

How the Ticket Dismissal Process Works

The process for taking a defensive driving course varies slightly depending upon who gave you the ticket in the San Antonio area, but for most courts you will do the following:

  1. Notify the Court and receive their verification that you are eligible to take defensive driving for your ticket
  2. Pay your court fee and submit their required documentation to receive official permission
  3. Complete the state approved online defensive driving course offered at
  4. Present your certificate of course completion and sometimes a copy of driving record to the court before the appointed deadline

Online Course Details

Our course consists of six engaging chapters which contain a mixture of text, HD video, animations, and participation exercises.  At the end of each unit you will answer a 7 question quiz, which you must pass to move forward.  There is no final exam, so once you pass the final unit quiz you are done with the course and your certificate of completion will be processed and sent out to your address via the delivery method chosen.


Our website is powered owned and operated by Driver Training Associates, Inc. a Texas leader in the traffic safety course industry.  The program has been research proven effective by governmental agencies to reduce the probability of future moving violations and collisions on the Texas roadways, and is used by many businesses across Texas and the U.S. for driver safety training.

So if you are looking for a state approved course provided by a local company with an engaging and simple course that contains up to date HD video and 24 hour customer service, then we are the right site for you.  Find out why so many drivers choose us for their defensive driving course needs.

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